What I Read in May 2021

Hi Everyone, 
I read a total of 30 books in May. 

Here's the breakdown:
ARCs: 17 
Free e-books: 3
Audible: 2 (free listen with ku)
KU: 8

For The Wolf was a last-minute add-on and a wonderful surprise. 
Those Chambermaid novellas were a HOT surprise.

I made a TikTok video again of all the book covers. Just click the link over there < ----. I added my star ratings this month too. Follow me and I'll follow back. šŸ˜€ My TikTok profile

Do you have Goodreads? Let's be friends there too. My Goodreads profile

This blog even has a Facebook page: That's here

Man, I don't know why I did it but I checked my TBRs.  Yup, I have two active TBRs. One on Goodreads with about 260 books waiting to be read.  The other TBR list on Amazon, which is completely different from the Goodreads list, is about 380 books šŸ˜±
I've got to start whittling these down. šŸ˜³

Let's have a great month! Go read.


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