Someday My Duke Will Come by Christina Britton


This cover is gorgeous! And on track to be one of my favorites for the month. 

It officially releases tomorrow January 12th, 2021. So you can still pre-order it at your favorite retailer. 

Someday My Duke Will Come by Christina Britton

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Can I give this all the stars? Having already been introduced to Quincy and Clara in A Good Duke is Hard to Find, the first book in this series, made it easy to recall how much I liked these characters. Now, I love them. The angst when they both realize they are in love with the other was so palpable. Quincy is my new book boyfriend.

Lady Clara Ashford has spent her whole life taking care of others, especially after the death of her mother. And years later a rogue took advantage of her, leaving her to swear off marriage. With her younger about to be married Clara wonders where she'll fit in without any purpose. Until Quincy returns.

Quincy is back from America to visit his friends before setting off to travel the world like he's always dreamed. He also intends to confront the ghosts of his past and he stops at the home he fled years ago only to learn that he is now the Duke of Reigate. When his mother tries to push his brother's former fiance on him Lady Clara steps in declaring that he can't marry another because they are already engaged.

Thanks so much to Forever, NetGalley, and the author for this ARC to review.

View all my reviews

*I received this paperback ARC from Forever.



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