
Showing posts from September, 2015

Write Your Heart Out...

There are ideas and thoughts that need to be written down. Some things aren't that important but it's best to write it out to make room for new thoughts and ideas. I'm still working on making my Morning Pages a regular habit/routine. xo Alicia

Matt & Kim

xo Alicia

Inspiring Images

Artist Wendy Ortiz Artist Nichole Rae all images via my Tumblr likes xo Alicia

Link Love

source Art Journal Lovelies from: Cindy Gilstrap , Alisa Burke , and  Marcia Beckett . Free Fall Printable from Alisa Burke Free Will Art Art Journal Challenge: Silhouettes Gettin' Sketchy with Charcoal 2 Video Tutorials from The Frugal Crafter Word Nerd Have a Splendid Weekend! xo Alicia

RBP Daily Photo Wk 3

 Day 15: Sky View  Day 16: Open Space  Day 17: Doodle a Face  Day 18: Reading  Day 19: One-word Day 20: Quotation xo Alicia

Positive Thoughts Create...

Positive Results I did one morning last week of morning pages. It was good. And I'm looking forward to creating and writing morning pages maybe twice this week. Baby steps xo Alicia


xo Alicia

Inspiring Images

Artist  Packer Di Artist Kelly Kilmer all images via my Tumblr likes xo Alicia

Link Love

source Art Journal Lovelies from: Julie Balzer , Kathryn Wheel , Carin Winkelman , Marcia Beckett , and  Grace Mendez . Triangle Paper Collage Quick and Pretty Notecards Freebie: Floral Coloring Page 11 Web Sites That'll Teach You Awesome Skills For Free Word Nerd Have a Splendid Weekend! xo Alicia

RBP Daily Photo for September Week 2

 Day 9: Thinking Space  Day 10:: Doodle a Letter  Day 11: Reading  Day 12: One Word  Day 13: Quotation Day 14: Where I Read xo Alicia

It''s Never Too Late...

To start a new project, finish something that's been sitting on the back burner, etc... I'm thinking it's time to start "morning pages" again. I genuinely miss checking into my written journal and just brain dumping. I'm just not sure if three pages works for me. So I'll have to sense what feels right for me. I'm also planning on PAINTING morning pages. Nothing fancy. Just spreading paint across some paper and seeing where that takes me. I think it will give me a little more incentive to get outta bed and start the day off with something fun. xo Alicia

New Politics

xo Alicia

Inspiring Images

all images via my Tumblr likes xo Alicia

Link Love

source Art Journal Lovelies from: Caylee Grey , Melita Bloomer , Carin Winkelman , Teresa aka Stargardener ,   Marcia Beckett , and another from Carin Winkelman . 5 Simple Ideas to Try in Your Art Journal Check out A Year of Journaling Dangerously 20 Cat Lady Accessories to Own this Autumn :  gift ideas for the cat ladies in your life :) Stepping Away from The Karma Word Nerd Have a Splendid Weekend! xo Alicia

RBP Daily Photo Prompts for September

 Day 1: Sky View  Day 2: Quiet Space  Day 3: Doodle Stars  Day 4: Reading  Day 5: One-Word  Day 6: Quotation  Day 7:  Where I Nap Day 8 Sky View xo Alicia

You Must Have....

Times of rest, even from your art. I didn't touch my art journal for two weeks at the end of August. I wanted to grab it and glue things in there and write things out but I just wasn't feeling it. I did get a huge surge of creative ideas and inspiration. Things I wrote down for future projects. Ideas that have left me excited. xo Alicia