
Showing posts from July, 2014

Photo A Day Challenge for July Complete!

 Day 25: Home  Day 26: Fun  Day 27: Ten  Day 28: Cool  Day 29: Repeat  Day 30: Lost: Luckily I found it! Day 31: Rise: and shine time to work out! I'm taking part in the August Break again this year. I will also continue to participate in the Photo A Day Challenge from FMS .  I'll be sharing all the photos on Instagram , I'm not sure how I'll be sharing them here. Check it out if your looking for a fun challenge! xo Alicia

Finding Words

My first piece of found poetry for this journal.  I also began to use another journal I started and shared earlier this year exclusively for this type of found poetry. I'll share soon. I find it interesting that creating found poetry and black-out poetry have come so easily for me. I enjoy the practice very much of sitting some where alone and cutting out words. Or looking at book pages to see what words call to me. I find it meditative . I take joy in the practice. But sit me in front of the computer to type some thing  more than a few sentences  and the words escape me. I have a hard time trying to figure out what to share, how much to share, etc. This might because I'm used to writing long hand in my personal journal and never sharing those words, even this little bit was hand written before I typed it out. xo Alicia


xo Alicia

Inspiring Images

All images via my tumblr likes xo Alicia

Link Love

source Sparkling Bubbles Installion Smoke Art Central Park Captured in the  Dark of Night Strange and Surreal Beauty of Show Caves Art Journal Inspiration from: Bebe Butler , Paper Pumpkin , Maria Beckett , A Splendid Adventure , Moments To Live For , Olya Schmidt , Melita Bloomer , Roben-Marie Smith , and  The Creative Notebook . California Mandalas & Index Cards Under the Microscope, Your Drink Is a Colorful Piece of Art Super Easy Stencil Tutorial Sketchbook Peeks from Alisa Burke DIY Dinosaur Keyrings Quick And Easy Wire Wrapped Jewelry Inspiration From Jennibellie ; also in case you need a Reminder; I did. Priorities//Action Required to Delete The Unnecessary Rad Gal, Rad Gig: Chocolatier Word Nerd from LaWhimsy Have a Splendid Weekend! xo Alicia

July Rnd 3 Photo A Day Challenge

 Day 17~ Sunshine  Day 18~ Admire  Day 19~ Curly  Day 20~ Moment  Day 21~ Basic  Day 22~ I wore this!  Day 23~ Macro Day 24~ Water xo Alicia

The Lower the Price...

These are the last pages from my art journal (January-May 2014). Can't wait to stat sharing the pages from the new book. xo Alicia


xo Alicia

Inspiring Images

all images via my tumblr likes xo Alicia

Link Love

source Art Journal Inspiration from: Freida Oxenham , Debi Payne , Sojourner , Pigment of my Imagination , Revolution , Jane Davenport , Besottment , Olya Schimdt , Moments to Live For , Maria Beckett , A Splendid Adventure , Inspiration Everywhere , Reusing Salvaged Books Would You Dare? New Inspiration Pad 5 Non Craft Supplies You Need in Your Crafty Toolbox Iceland Infrared 13 Blog Post to Boost Your Blog Titles 5 Artistic Craft Ideas Why You Shouldn't Save the Good Stuff  from Yes and Yes Make Your Own Watercolor Tin Larksfoot Crochet Tutorial Family Rock Garden Typewriter Art Creating With Stencil Girl Word Nerd from LaWhimsy Have a Splendid Weekend! xo Alicia

Rnd 2 July Photo Challenge

Day 8- I've Never... made black out poetry till a few days before.  Day 9- Alive  Day 10- Sharp  Day 11- Gold  Day 12- Interior  Day 13- Look up  Day 14- Old School Day 15- Torn Day 16- Listening to... xo Alicia

I Always Feel...

xo Alicia

Neon Trees

xo Alicia

Inspiring Images

source All images via my Tumblr likes. xo Alicia