
Showing posts from March, 2012

Sometimes You Will Never

source Have a Lovely Weekend xo Alicia

Finished This One

This is the cover I crocheted for my Instax camera. It has a bit of bump on the left side since I wan't following a pattern. And I was too lazt to go back to correct the mistake. I had taken the pouch apart a few times already. I had even made it too big! So there it is :) xo Alicia 

It was Chilly!

It was raining and chilly on Sunday. I figured it would be a good idea to fire up the oven. I wanted easy to prep yet delicious. This is what I came up with. I opened a tube of crescent rolls and folded chocolate chips in as I rolled the dough up. So simple and yummy! Next time I think I'll sprinkle cinnamon on the dough.  :) xo Alicia

The Black Keys

Love this video. Makes me dance even when the day isn't going great. enjoy xo Alicia 

Monday Pretties...

source Awesomeness! I especially like how colorful this peter pan collar is. source I love this throw cushion. Especially the color and the lace :) source I must have this shirt! source Cool set of cards. Reminds me of this book I want to buy  'The Tattooed Lady' by Amelia Klem Osterud . source So pretty! xo Alicia

People Were Created....

source Happy Friday! See you Monday :) xo Alicia

Just a Little Eye Candy

all images via Kee Boutique Check out their Etsy shop! Link above :) Love it! xo Alicia    

Yesterday was the First Day of Spring?

I forgot yesterday was the First Day of Spring! Migraines have been draining me. I planned on pictures of my nearly finished vests but it rained this weekend and when the sun did come out I couldn't find any motivation. I did take one vest apart and made a case for my Instax mini. Pictures to come soon. I need to sew buttons on and I'm all done. Now I'm just trying to figure out what to make with the left over yarn. xo Alicia

HIndi Zahra and Blog Anniversary

Last month Feb. 20th was my two year blogging anniversary and I completely forgot :(   xo Alicia

Monday Pretties...

source   I want to collect religious statuary. It reminds me of my Grandmother and my Great Grandparents. source Love, love, love vintage suitcases! source  Vintage books! I want a few!! I always strike out at the local goodwill :( source Such a cutie! source A fairy garden in a cup, so magical... xo Alicia

If "Plan A" Didn't....

source Just a nice little reminder. Have a swell weekend xo Alicia

Finding Inspiration

  This week there are lots of ideas floating around. Some to save for later, some that aren't so great. So I decided to write as many ideas down as possible. And search for new inspiration as well. I have quite a nice pile of clippings. Now I just have to sort them out. :) xo Alicia 

What a Busy Weekend

So Friday this guy turned 4 years old! My Mom and I took him for lunch at Islands. He was so funny, when we walked in he told the hostess "It's my birthday!" Later our waitress brought out a sundae for him and we sang Happy Birthday. As we walked out of the restaurant he asked, "Is my birthday over?' Silly guy! I also baked a marble cake for him later in the evening. That way all of us sisters and brother could sing Happy Birthday to him! His excitement was too cute! Now that he realizes there is cake involved with birthdays, he is obsessed! Sunday I attended a cousin's wedding but the time change almost kept me home. I was excited to take this picture, I thought outfit post! But I didn't take enough pictures and looking at this picture I look posed and stiff. Why did I hold my arms away from my body? I am totally loving the dress and tights combo though. I need more dresses! haha xo Alicia 

Lana Del Rey

xo Alicia

Monday Pretties....

source So pretty! I might just eat noodles constantly if I had these bowls. Psst! There are pretty travel mugs in this shop too :) source This dress is absolutely perfect! Love it. source Lovely bobby pin set! I love her hair color too! source So adorable! source Love these floral note cards. xo Alicia

Love is...

source Happy Weekend! xo Alicia

Trying to Organize

 This is my messy make-up/ junk drawer. Lots of make-up and jewelry still in boxes. Bracelets, batteries, and buttons floating around. Candle lighters, Emergen-C, Ipods, ear phones. I took most everything out of their boxes. I'm trying to figure out the best way to store my necklaces that are still in the drawer. I want to be able to see them, so that I use them. Should I hang them on the framed cork board? So this is my more organized mess. Not great but really a lot better. All the make-up is now in zippered pouches. Now I can see everything in there! Any helpful tips? xo Alicia 

Happy Birthday Lil Sis!

Last Tuesday my sister turned 14! Time sure is flying by.  My Mom and I took them to Islands to celebrate her birthday!  There's the other sister trying to force a kiss on our younger brother. We had a pretty good time. Lots of laughs and of course good food! The birthday girl just before she enjoyed her Kona pie. And this Friday the littlest brother turns 4! Remember that crochet project I shared last week? Well, I finished it. Which normally is awesome but the vest was a bit of a fail. Why? Too short! Ugh. So now I'm debating if I should go back and make it longer or scrap it. xo Alicia 


xo Alicia

Monday Pretties....

source Awesome journals source I have to make one like this! source Love this teardrop terrarium! source Spooky pretty, but I like. source I want this vintage bench! I might just spend more time outside. xo Alicia 

Dream More...

source Happy Weekend! xo Alicia

Was I Just Bullied?

This is how I was feeling. Monday night my sister and friends "C' and "S" wanted to have a little girl time. They had tried calling me but my phone was in a weird pocket that got no reception, so my sister called the house phone to invite me over. I thought it would be good to get out, but honestly did not feel like leaving the house (too cold out, the house was quiet, didn't feel chatty) so I said "No, thanks. Besides I still have laundry to fold and put away." My sister said, "okay" and told S what I said. I could hear S in the background say "you're coming over!" I thought to myself  'We'll see about that'. I might have even said aloud. Because hearing that really truely bothered me. I stated that I didn't want to go but there was no consideration for my decision. When the laundry was all done I decided to settle down with a little TV and my crochet. THe phone rang while I was in the middle of  some g...