It started Friday afternoon. I had a mini lunch date with my Mom and baby brother. We had breakfast for lunch, which I think is always yummy! source This is what my meal looked like. I was just too excited that I forgot to snap a picture of my actual meal. :( Especially because I had my new phone in my pocket. Saturday I got these lovelies from Avon Love 'em! I worked on this new project I can't even tell you how many projects before this one I started and took apart. Sometimes if the pattern is too simple and tedious, I'll find myself getting bored. But this pattern varies every row. I organized my starred items in my google reader by pinning them to my Pinterest boards. Feels great to have that stuff I was saving for some reason or other to now be divided into manageable groups. Now I just wanna settle in with my crochet, coffee and finally get to The Walking Dead season premiere, Boardwalk Empire and Dexter episodes waiting f...